Notice is hereby given that the meeting of the Board of Directors of Stepstone Academy scheduled for Thursday, July 18th at 4:30 p.m. The meeting will take place at Stepstone Academy, 3328 Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115. The purpose of this meeting is to consider various administrative matters and such other general business that may properly come before the Board of Directors.

Did you hear the good news?

The grades are in! The Ohio Department of Education gives Stepstone Academy an “A”!

of families feel welcome at Stepstone Academy
of students saw an increase in literacy rates
of students participate in after school activities

A 100% tuition free, K-8 charter school in Cleveland’s Central neighborhood – is committed to building a collaborative learning culture that unites staff, families and the community to provide our students with pathways for growth, academic excellence and lifelong success. We believe our children are a reflection of our community and have the “whole child,” “whole family,” and “whole community mindset” because every child is worth it – every single day.

At Stepstone Academy, we are committed to each child’s long-term growth and development, understanding that literacy – beginning in the early grades – sets the stage for analytical and critical thinking skills required to succeed in high school, college and life. Our academic expectations promote a sense of worth, personal responsibility, civic engagement and a “no excuse—every child can succeed” attitude.

We are changing more than just the narrative around urban education. Stepstone Academy is changing lives.